The Washington Center for Learning


Do you conduct educational testing?

Yes, we do.  The exact tests are determined on a case-by-case basis.  Educational testing is customized to serve each child and family’s goals.

What is the cost of educational testing?

The cost is determined by the number of tests that we administer.

How long before we receive the results of the tests?

Results are provided in a written summative report, which is typically shared with parents within three business days.

Does the WCFL share children’s educational testing results?

Your child’s tests are confidential – only parents and/or legal guardians have access to your child’s test results and final report.

How do the services provided by the WCFL different from any other tutoring service or programs already available in schools?

We differ from other programs in all of the following:

a) Our literacy instruction is custom-tailored to each child and their individual needs. The literacy instruction is only created after an initial consultation which identifies your family’s needs. Next, we administer the relevant educational testing, and finally, we analyze the data based on which write a report which spells out all our findings.

b) We provide a one on one instruction to your child. Group instruction is rarely an option for our clients, but we don’t exclude it when the need is clearly demonstrated. This is to ensure that your child’s learning is maximized by focusing solely on their needs. In each of our instructional sessions, we focus on teaching and practicing cognitive strategies that help reach high levels of reading comprehension, writing expression, and critical thinking skills.

c) The work that we offer your child is multifocal in that we a) capitalize on your child’s cognitive strengths, b) implement relevant cognitive strategies, and c) assess their progress and make relevant adjustments along the way. You are being informed about the progress your child makes on a monthly basis.

d) The strategies that we teach your child will strengthen their academic performance across subject areas.

e) The strategies that we teach your child will empower them for life to become strong critical readers, writers, and thinkers.

What should I expect the cost of services to be?

Since our services are offered over time (and always begin with an initial consultation,) you are charged at the time of service.  Our billing allows you the most flexibility in terms of your budget.  Our services include:

a. Initial consultation is designed to gather background information and determine how The WCFL can be of assistance to parents, children, or both.

b. Periodic consultations regarding 504 and IEP meeting strategies and progress.

c. Educational assessments for understanding possible issues related to reading comprehension, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, executive functioning, ADD, HD, and anxiety.  The assessment also includes a written final report that summarizes the assessment and spells out its results.

d. A written individualized 504 and/or IEP includes the specific strategies that need to be implemented in order for a child to master reading, writing, comprehension, and critical thinking at grade level.

e. A semester-long strategy-focused instructional plan for implementing the 504, IEP, or individualized instruction we created for your child.

When would be a good time to contact the WCFL?

Contact us as soon as you:

a) realize that there is an issue and you need someone to confidentially consult with;

b) notice issues with your child, starting when they are four years of age;

c) are contacted by your child’s teacher regarding their performance, reading, writing, participation, or behavior in school;

d) realize that your child is having trouble with sounds, recognizing or differentiating between letters and numbers, or not noticing lines or figures that they are asked to trace or remember.

e) notice your child is not responding to you in a way that would be expected of a child their age.

f) realize that you are unclear about your child’s reading instruction or assessment.

g) are told that your child may have dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADD, HD, or if someone told you that your child is neurodivergent and you would like a second opinion.

How often do we meet with our child? Where does tutoring take place? How long does it take to see improvements?

Your strategic plan will spell out the frequency of our support, and the type of support your child will receive.  Services are rendered at our office where free parking is available. While many children begin to show improvements after just a few sessions, others take about 6-9 months.  This is because learning is a developmental process; it takes children time to receive, practice, and integrate new cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills.

Are you able to help us identify a pediatric neurologist who can provide us with a neuropsych evaluation?

Yes.  We provide you with relevant resources that are available in our area. If you are out of town, we will brainstorm with you to identify resources in your area.

We are shopping for a school for our child. Are you able to help us figure out whether a school will be a good match for our child?

Yes.  We can recommend schools, and we will furnish you with the right questions to ask school admissions staff, administrators, teachers, and students during your visit to a prospective school.

I am not happy with my teachers’ interactions with my child. I think there are behind-the-scenes issues that we don’t quite understand. Can you help us figure out these issues?

Yes.  We have worked in schools (public and private) for a long time.  We can discuss your perceptions, issues, and options. The purpose is to help you decide how and where to best focus your time, energy, and resources.