The Washington Center for Learning

Services for Parents

Multi-Sensory Literacy Hall for 2-6 Year Old Children

How much time does your child spend passively listening to or watching screens instead of actively engaging with peers and adults? Research from NIH scientists indicates that television watching and video gaming are “inversely associated with academic performance.” Dr. BenZion developed the multisensory literacy hall to promote literacy development in young children through age-appropriate activities. These include conversations, gross and fine motor skills challenges, interactive readings, and singing. These activities are constructed carefully to help children build a strong foundation in literacy, facilitating quick learning of new vocabulary, phonics, reading, and comprehension.

Personalized 504 & IEP

By evaluating your child’s dominant learning styles and intelligences, we can quickly identify the most effective strategies that resonate with their thinking processes. This saves everyone valuable time and promotes a student’s confidence and motivation. Investing in a personalized IEP nurtures each child’s potential and ensures every learner can thrive in their educational journey.

Coordinated Timely Services

We help sort out your child’s developmental needs and the process of addressing these in the most time-efficient and effective way. We will help you consider the advantages and ramifications of any issue that hinders your child’s success. You will be able to

  • Determine which is the most beneficial developmental assessment (such as OT, speech, psychological, ed-psych, neuro-psych, or reading/comprehension assessment) your child needs
  • Receive an objective review of the implications of the clinicians’ report of your child
  • Be an active participant in creating a comprehensive plan that ensures your child receives the services they need

School Advocacy

Letting your school know you are working with an outside consultant is always best. Children make the most progress when teachers, school counselors, and families understand the academic plan, its timeline, and each professional’s role. Whether you choose a private or public school, we will help you understand the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) federal law and its provisions.

Court Advocacy

There are times when parents need to provide evidence that they have sought expert help for their child beyond regular schools’ offerings.  Given authorization, we serve as expert witnesses in such cases, describing the scope and length of services and, if relevant, the progress a child has made while receiving our services.

Informational Webinars

Our free webinars are designed to empower parents by providing research-based information related to child development, addressing developmental needs, and community resources. We cover: 

  • Know the signs – Being on top of your child’s development
  • Effective methods for helping your child learn their daily routines. 
  • Effective methods for helping your child manage time and their responsibilities
  • What to do about temper tantrums? A set of proven strategies.
  • How to help a withdrawn child? 

To sign up for our webinars, click here. 

Strategy practice sessions

Parents sometimes observe their children struggle to process various situations at home. The strategy practice sessions are designed to help parents analyze the situation, explore, and practice specific strategies that address a challenging situation and resolve it.  

School choice consultations

For first-time school parents – 

Your child spends about half of their waking hours in school.  The school you choose should, therefore, embody your core values.  Together, we articulate your values.  Working closely with you, we then furnish you with a battery of questions to consider in the admissions process to help you vet schools.

For parents who have experienced working with schools – 

Sometimes, parents have concluded that a current school does not meet their child’s needs. In these cases, we help parents identify schools where their child can thrive. We offer an effective strategy for identifying the right school for your child.  

  • Partnerships with community organizations that specialize in providing mental health services

Often, a child’s challenges require an array of specialized services such as occupational or speech therapy, specific reading comprehension instruction, and mental health services (such as child and teen counseling, art therapy, and parent strategy sessions for optimal family relations). We partner with numerous local organizations that provide these services because we believe collaboration allows parents to address their children’s needs quickly.   

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